Gases needed for special application or any special purpose comes into the bracket of specialty gases. Special gases also needs dedicated gas handling equipment to ensure gas quality remain in equilibrium between the source and the point of application. May it be ultra high pure individual gas or process gas mixture or calibration gas mixture INDO GAS pays due importance to all Special Gas Products. Process Industry, Emission measurement, Stack monitoring, Pollution testing, Medical application and Research Laboratories we deal in are segregated into different categories according to their uses.
"Supply Of Right Specialty Gas Product On Time-Every Time."
"Support Customer For Using The Product In Right Fashion."
>> Argon TL Grade – purity 99.9997%
>> Argon UHP Grade – purity 99.9998%
>> Nitrogen zero grade – purity 99.9998%
>> UHP Air (79%n2+21%o2 ) (moisture <0.5ppm)
>> Helium – 5, (99.999%) 5.5 (99.9995%) & 6 (99.9999%) Grades
>> Oxygen – zero grade 99. 99%
>> Synthetic air
>> Propane
>> N-Butane
>> Ammonia
>> Liquid Nitrogen

High Pure Gases
INDO GAS has the perfect solution for ultra high pure gas requirement particularly as Carrier Gas or Zero Gas in varied applications of GC and other measuring instruments related to the field. Impurities are analyzed and certified to use in specific application. Our ultra high pure gases control critical contaminants minimizing the risk of chromatographic column degradation and interference in the functioning of instruments. We maintain the high purity levels of our gases by subjecting them to statistical quality control, thorough process of gas cylinder preparation and dedicating gas cylinders.
- Argon – purity 99.9993%
- Oxygen – purity 99.85%
- Dissolved Acetylene – purity> 98%
- Nitrogen – purity 99.9992%
- Hydrogen – purity 99.9988%
- Zero air- (79%N2+21%O2)
- Helium Grade 4.5 – 99.995%
- Nitrous oxide – purity >98%
- Carbon-di-oxide – purity 99%
- Methane – purity 99.5%

Gas Mixture
INDO GAS offers you gas mixture made out of any number of components in any concentration level within the permissible limits of Physics and Chemistry. Even if the gas you require in gas mixture is not found in our list, still it can be added. We offer the highest quality of customized gas mixtures which are prepared with right technique of blending and homogenizing to maintain quality of its basic constituents traceable to the source. Please contact us with your specifications.
Gas Mixture Specifications
- Argon Oxygen Mixture (AOM)
- Argon Carbon Dioxide Mixture (ACM)
- Argon Hydrogen Mixture (AHM)
- Nitrogen Hydrogen mixture (NHM)
- Any Combination as per specific need of the user

Calibration Gas Mixture
Calibration Gas Mixture is most important and most nurtured product in Specialty gas sector. Using individual pure gases as ingredients from the list of all atmospheric gases, noble gases, other elemental gases, compound gases, hydrocarbon gases INDO GAS has the ability to supply precise gas mixture of any number of components in any proportion within the limitations of physical and chemical properties. Preparation tolerance narrowed down as much possible and Analytical accuracy increased to the possible extent. All the products are traceable to the international standard. If you don’t find your required gas mixture in our list, do not worry. Instead, let’s know your requirement and we will make it available for you.

Industrial Gases
In general, Industrial gases are synonymous to commercially available bulk gases for high consumption. But there is another bracket of Industrial Gases which needs specified product, be it individual or in a gas mixture form. INDO GAS deals in this sector of special Industrial gases like Precision welding in heavy engineering; Furnaces in metallurgical and chemical industries; Instrument support gas mixture for Nuclear Counter and Proportional Counter; Stack monitoring in Steel making; Process control gas mixture in Petrochemical, Fertilizer, Refinery industries; Gas for discharge light used in Lamp industry, Food processing and food packaging Industries; Transformer gases, Diving gases, Fire Extinguishing gases, Emission testing in Automobile industry; Pollution monitoring and many more.
- Argon
- Oxygen
- Dissolved acetylene
- Nitrogen
- Hydrogen
- Carbon-di-oxide

Laser Gas Mixture
In line with steady increase of CO2 laser usage in welding-cutting technology as well as excimer Laser application in semiconductor and medical field in the country, INDO GAS pays due attention in this specific field of Specialty gas sector.

Gas Handling Equipment
Specialty gases needs dedicated gas handling equipment and proper gas distribution system to ensure gas quality remain in equilibrium between the source and the point of use. INDO GAS has on offer a wide array of equipments including Pressure Regulators, Gauges, Valves and Gas Manifold systems among many others in different specification.

Pressure Regulator
It is important to use right Gas Pressure regulator in high pressure gas cylinders as a wrong choice may result in impurity or malfunctioning. Improper pressure regulation can cause fluctuation of flow which may further cause undesirable result. INDO GAS has variety of pressure regulators which can be specifically used for different types of specialty gases. Send your enquiry mentioning service, working pressure and flow.

Consultancy on Gas Distribution and safety
Apart from our products, INDO GAS also offer consultancy services for gas handling, gas distribution and training. We have on panel specialists who have a range of multi functional skill sets for developing solutions for different types of gas related projects. You can rely on INDO GAS to find the most suitable solution for your specific requirements for gas distribution and safety training while handling equipment.