Gases needed for special application or any special purpose comes into the bracket of specialty gases. Special gases also needs dedicated gas handling equipment to ensure gas quality remain in equilibrium between the source and the point of application. May it be ultra high pure individual gas or process gas mixture or calibration gas mixture INDOGAS pays due importance to all Special Gas Products. Process Industry, Emission measurement, Stack monitoring, Pollution testing, Medical application and Research Laboratories we deal in are segregated into different categories according to their uses.
Argon TL Grade – purity 99.9997%
Argon UHP Grade – purity 99.9998%
Nitrogen zero grade – purity 99.9998%
UHP Air (79%n2+21%o2 ) (moisture <0.5ppm)
Helium – 5, (99.999%) 5.5 (99.9995%) & 6 (99.9999%) Grades
Oxygen – zero grade 99. 99%
Synthetic air
Liquid Nitrogen